Delphi Murders Trial Transcript – Using Shorthand to Record Proceedings – Fundraiser –

Delphi murders trial transcript in shorthand - the trial of richard allen

Hi there! If you’re following the Delphi Murders case, you’ve heard that cameras will likely not be allowed in the courtroom during the Delphi trial. This decision drastically reduces access and transparency, but I have a potential solution to help provide a more detailed record of the trial, the same day they occur.

🔍 Who Am I? I’m Elle, a writer who has covered aspects of the Delphi case since 2018. I’ve live-transcribed court hearings, press conferences, and interviews, making them publicly available online to increase access and preserve them for archival purposes.

✍️ My Plan As a precaution in case of a camera ban, I enrolled in a shorthand course back in January. Shorthand is a method of quickly writing and recording speech that uses symbols in place of full words, making it ideal for a courtroom that doesn’t allow laptops or electronics. After months of classes and daily practice, I’m ready to take highly detailed notes and convert them into daily transcripts.

During the month of the trial, at the end of each day, I will take the transcripts, scan and convert them to regular text, and promptly upload them to a dedicated website. The record of proceedings will be accessible to everyone the same day they occur.

📢 How You Can Help I live across the country from Indiana, and attending the 4-week trial means significant travel and accommodation expenses. If you find value in daily shorthand recordings and want to lend your support, please consider donating to my fundraiser. Your contribution will help offset the cost of month-long accommodations (yikes!) and ensure detailed daily proceeding transcripts and updates!

Important Note re: Donations: All donations will be refunded if I am unable to attend. (I plan to cover a large portion of the Delphi trial expenses out …

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Transcribing the Delphi Trial

In the event cameras are not allowed in the courtroom at the upcoming Delphi murders trial, using shorthand transcripts could act as a safety net.

Since January, I have been enrolled in a shorthand class, learning a pen-and-paper technique for recording the spoken word. This serves as a precaution in case cameras are not allowed in the courtroom for the Delphi trial.

My goal is to attend and transcribe the trial (and possibly pre-trial hearings of importance), publicly releasing the notes daily.

To accomplish this, I will need assistance, including volunteers I can send the notes to for prep/upload.

This is a placeholder page. In the coming days I will update this with detailed information.

Thank you so much!


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Richard Allen Supreme Court TRANSCRIPT – Delphi Murders Case

Transcript of Richard Allen Delphi murders suspect Supreme Court of Indiana hearing in January 2024.

Delphi / Richard Allen Supreme Court Transcript: Oral Arguments held on January 18, 2024

The Richard Allen Supreme Court transcript below offers a detailed account of the hour-long oral arguments conducted on January 18th, 2024, at the Indiana Supreme Court. In October 2023, Special Judge Fran Gull removed counsel for Allen, who faces charges related to the 2017 deaths of teens Liberty German and Abigail Williams, commonly known as the ‘Delphi murders.’ Following a series of events that involved a former employee of attorney Andrew Baldwin accessing a conference room, covertly taking photographs of crime scene images, and sharing them online, Judge Gull accused Baldwin and co-counsel Bradley Rozzi of “gross negligence” and asserted that she could no longer permit them to represent Allen, despite the defendant’s objections.

Questioning the court’s authority to sever the attorney-client relationship, Allen urgently petitioned the Supreme Court for relief. His requests included the reinstatement of his attorneys, the appointment of a new judge, and the scheduling of a ‘speedy trial’ date within 70 days.

State of Indiana ex rel. Richard M. Allen 

– v. –

Carroll Circuit Court 


The Honorable Frances M. Gull, Special Judge


SHERIFF JOE DOWDELL: All rise. The Supreme Court of Indiana is now back in session. [Gavel strike] Please be seated.  

CHIEF JUSTICE RUSH: Good morning and welcome. We’re here this morning to hear an argument in the case of State ex rel. Richard Allen, relator, v. Carroll Circuit Court and The Honorable Fran M. Gull, respondents. Counsel for Richard Allen, the relator, will argue first. 

We are hearing this case on a Writ for Mandamus in a prohibition case. Representing the relator today, we have Mark Leeman. Good morning and welcome, Mr. Leeman. You will be arguing the case. 

At …

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DELPHI MURDERS: Richard Allen Court Hearing TRANSCRIPT (Attorneys Withdraw)

BALIFF: All rise for the court is now in session. The Honorable Fran Gull presiding. 

JUDGE FRAN GULL: Thank you, you may be seated.

(To staff member) [Are] we on?

Alright, we are on the record in State of Indiana versus Richard Allen 08C01-2210MR-01. 

Thank you for your patience ladies and gentlemen. Thank you Mr. McLeland, Mr. Luttrell, for your patience.

Um, we’ve had an unexpected turn of events ladies and gentlemen. 

Earlier this afternoon, the defense attorneys have withdrawn their representation of Mr. Allen. 

Mr. Baldwin made an oral Motion to Withdraw. 

I granted that oral Motion to Withdraw, and Mr. Rozzi will be submitting a written Motion to Withdraw, I’m assuming within the next couple of days. They have confirmed with the court that Mr. Allen’s financial situation remains static, meaning he is continuing to be entitled to appointed counsel. I will reach out to public defenders to make that appointment.

 As Mr. Allen is now without counsel I’ve ordered him transported back to the Department of Correction. 

Mr. McLeland, I know that we have already scheduled a hearing in the Carroll Circuit Court October 31st at 9am. I’d like to maintain that hearing if we can please?

NICK McLELAND: Yes, Your Honor.

JUDGE GULL: I think at that point, we can have counsel appointed. I’d like to set a new trial date. Obviously, I don’t believe counsel will be prepared within the next couple of months to try a case of this magnitude in January. So, we’ll set dates for the trial. I think we need to set a date as well for the suppression hearing that was filed, now by former counsel. 

I have asked the attorneys to provide all of the discovery previously provided to [send] back to the State of Indiana. I know I …

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Cameras in Courtroom Likely at Richard Allen Delphi Murders Hearing

Richard Allen Delphi Murders - Cameras allowed in Delphi trial

Will Cameras be allowed in the courtroom at Richard Allen’s 10/19/23 hearing? Signs point to ‘Yes’ according to news crew member assigned to cover the event at Allen County Courthouse in Fort Wayne, Indiana [Delphi Murders Case]

Cameras are expected to be present in the courtroom during Richard Allen’s status hearing on October 19th, according to an acquaintance who will be attending as part of a broadcasting team.

This individual, who requested that any non-essential identifying information be withheld, is a long-time employee of a digital television network. They received their assignment yesterday.

Judge Fran Gull, who is presiding over the hearing, has not yet issued an official order pertaining to broadcasting. While not written in stone, there appears to be a reasonable expectation that permission to film will be granted.

“It would be pool coverage.” (A ‘pool’ is common arrangement where one designated media organization records the proceeding and shares it with other press outlets in the pool. This allows access to the hearing while minimizing disruptions that come with a convey of cameras in a courtroom.)

“I don’t think [Judge Gull] has officialized it yet, so there is always a chance we could hear ‘Sorry guys, she reconsidered and it’s off the table,’ but I’m pretty sure it’s going to be a green light.”

When surveyed on the measure for ‘Pretty sure’, they responded in good humor, “‘Pretty sure’ enough that [network] has paid for plane tickets. If they’re spending money, that’s always a good gauge!”

Over the next 48 hours, we will be monitoring electronic case documents and will update this page if an order allowing (or denying) broadcasting is filed.

If permission to film and televise the October 19th Delphi Murders / Richard Allen court date is granted, we intend to provide real-time updates and a …

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Is a Richard Allen Plea Deal in the Works? Delphi Murders Case –

After a Delphi case news drought, rumors of impending Richard Allen plea deal take flight

While the summer of 2023 marked one of the hottest seasons on record, July and August ushered in a subtle cooldown in public case filings and updates pertaining to the Delphi murders case. Following a whirlwind of activity surrounding a pivotal June 15th hearing, and the subsequent release of documents on July 28th in response to a Motion for Public Access to Court Records filed by Áine Cain and Kevin Greenlee of Murder Sheet LLC, the dog days of summer rolled along with little news.

As the calendars changed to September, online whispers gained momentum, hinting at imminent, groundbreaking news regarding the case: Richard Allen, the 50-year-old Delphi resident facing charges in the murders of Liberty German and Abigail Williams, was allegedly engaged in active negotiations for a plea deal.

The original origins of these rumors remain shrouded in mystery, yet they undeniably sparked a fervor of speculation and discussion. Do they hold any substance? At present, no involved party has come forward to affirm or refute these claims, though this is to be expected, as the imposed gag-order forbids public commentary from many closely involved in the proceedings.

We seldom venture into the realm of opinion-writing or sharing unattributable information. However, due to the concrete confidence we hold in the individuals we’ve spoken to, and the amount of questions that have come up surrounding possible plea talks, today we will deviate from our customary practices.

As of September 6th, 2023, Richard Allen is NOT engaged in any ongoing discussions or negotiations concerning a plea deal in the Delphi murders case, as per the accounts of three individuals intimately associated with the matter.

Cases of this nature exhibit ebbs and flows, rendering future …

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A Note From Elle…

When an unknown number popped up on my caller ID recently, I assumed it was spam. Little did I know that one phone call would change my life.

Back in high school, I swabbed my cheek as part of a bone marrow registry drive. It was kept on file, and after all this time… I received a call informing me that I was a match!

Somewhere out there in the world is a little 11-year-old boy who is very, very sick & in need of a transplant to survive. Immunosuppressant treatment did not work, and unfortunately, there wasn’t a matching family member. So his doctor went to the registry, and by some stroke of luck, I’m his gal! 

After meeting with the incredible people who run the program & getting a very detailed explanation of what the entire process will entail, I was asked if I would consider proceeding. I didn’t need time to think. Yes, yes, YES! 

Thanks to medical advancements, in approximately 90% of cases, donating bone marrow is now an outpatient procedure, very similar to plasma donation! However, because this is an urgent pediatric case, the medical team is opting to go the traditional surgical route via back & pelvic bones.

Leading up to the transplant, I will have a lot of appointments & tests. An in-home nurse will be coming to give me medication/daily injections. 

I want to share this for a couple reasons: 

1) I do the bulk of transcripts for CrimeLights. I try to fulfill every request. I apologize in advance if I get behind due to appointments/surgery, as I will be traveling out-of-state for the actual procedure.

2) I am worried. This is now on my mind nearly nonstop. I don’t know who this little boy is. There are strict rules in place: …

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Idaho Murders Arrest – PRESS CONFERENCE Transcript & Video

Idaho 4 Murders Press Conference Transcript Video - Moscow Murders Idaho arrest press conference transcription and video full

Idaho 4 Murders Press Conference Transcript & Video Announcing Arrest of Bryan Kohberger – Native of Pennsylvania & Student at Washington State University

On December 30, 2022 Moscow Idaho police announced the arrest of 28-year-old Bryan Kohberger in relation to the homicides of Ethan Chapin, Kaylee Goncalves, Xana Kernodle & Madison Mogen (known as the ‘Idaho 4’ or ‘Moscow Murders’). A press conference was held to share developements with the public.

Below is the full Idaho 4 Press Conference Transcript & Video.

Full Idaho Press Conference Video

Idaho 4 Murders Press Conference Transcript – December 30, 2022


CHIEF JAMES FRY:  Thank you for coming today.

Last night, in conjunction with the Pennsylvania State Police, Federal Bureau of Investigation, detectives arrested 28 year old Bryan Christopher Kohberger in Albrightsville, Pennsylvania on a warrant for murders of Ethan, Xana, Madison and Kaylee.

I want to personally thank these agencies for their assistance in this case.

Kohberger resides in Pullman, Washington, and is a graduate student at Washington State University. We will provide as much information as we can about the extradition to Idaho and the criminal process. However, due to Idaho State law, we are limited in what information we can release today until Kohberger has had his initial appearance in Idaho court.

I want to express my appreciation to our local community, the people of Idaho and those throughout our nation who provided information to help us investigate these murders has been very impressive. We’ve received over 19,000 tips and we’ve conducted over 300 interviews.

To recap this case: on the evening of November 12th, Kaylee and Madison arrived home at about 1:56 a.m. after visiting a local bar and street food vendor. Ethan and …

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Richard Allen FULL AFFIDAVIT TEXT – Unsealed Today!

Delphi Murders Probable Cause Affidavit PDF Copy Easy to Read and Audio Recording - Unsealed Delphi document arrest of Richard Allen. Allen was driving a 2016 ford focus and left a shell casing from a sig sauer gun at the crime scene.

Newly Unsealed Documents (in Text Format) Show ‘the Smoking Gun’ Used to tie Richard Allen to Delphi Murders

Judge Frances Gull opted to unseal the Richard Allen Probable Cause Affidavit, marking one of the first times documents related to the Delphi murders have been publicly released.

Witness names, as well as the name of a Delphi detective were kept redacted. Below, we have taken the scanned images of the case documents and transcribed into text format so it is easier to read.

A narrated audio file of the Delphi probable cause affidavit is below.







CAUSE NO. 08C01-2210-MR-01



I, the undersigned affiant, submit the following information pursuant to I.C. 35-33-7-2 as a sworn affidavit setting forth the facts and circumstances known to law enforcement of Carroll County as the basis for probable cause to arrest without a warrant or to establish probable cause for issuance of an arrest warrant for the above named defendant.

That the facts and circumstances described below would be sufficient basis for a person of reasonable caution and prudence to believe that the accused has committed or attempted to commit the offense(s) described and that if arrested without a warrant, such would be authorized under I.C.35-33-1-1.

That the hearsay statements of witnesses contained herein are considered reliable and credible due to the witness’s personal knowledge and/or are corroborated by the totality of the circumstances.

That on February 14th, 2017 Victim 1 and Victim 2 were found deceased in the woods approximately 0.2 miles northeast of the Monon High Bridge in Carroll County. Their bodies were located on the north side of the Deer

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Delphi Press Release – Prosecutor Issues Statement on Richard Allen & Probable Cause Affidavit

Press release in delphi murders from prosecutor nick mclealand - sealing of probable cause affidavit richard allen court

November 23, 2022- Indiana State Police have distributed a press release to media outlets on behalf of the Carroll County Prosecutor’s Office.

In what appears to be an attempt to get ahead of Judge Frances C. Gull’s upcoming ruling concerning the fate of a Probable Cause Affidavit, McLeland writes:

“The Carroll County Prosecutor’s Office appreciates the Judge hearing our arguments yesterday morning and looks forward to her ruling.

As I started in court yesterday, we strongly believe the evidence shows Richard Allen was involved in the murder of Abby and Libby.

Because the investigation is ongoing and given the intense public interest in the case, we think it would be best if the documents remain sealed. Regardless of the ruling, we believe we have a very solid case against Mr. Allen and look forward to making our argument in trial.”

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