Mackenzie Lueck Press Conference Transcript Video Today Body Found

  Mackenzie Lueck Press Conference Transcript – July 5, 2019


CHRISTINA JUDD: Good morning. I am Christina Judd, the Communications Director for the Salt Lake City Police Department. Thank you for being here today. Today we will be giving you an update in the homicide of Mackenzie Lueck. In a few moments Chief Brown will share with you details of the case, as well as the investigation that has been ongoing. All of the details that we have right now that are releasable will be released in this press conference. We thank the mayor, Jackie Biskupski for being here, as well as District Attorney Sim Gill and Blake Nakamura. All the comments will be on the record today, and due to the delicate nature of this case they will not be taking any questions afterward. The PIOs will be available to help you and give you any clarifying statements if needed. Ladies and Gentlemen, Chief Brown.

Salt Lake City Police Chief Mike Brown speaks at the Mackenzie Lueck Press Conference on July 5, 2019, announcing that her body has been found in Logan Canyon, Utah.

CHIEF MIKE BROWN: Mayor Biskupski, thank you for being here this morning. Patrick Cleary, Mayor Biskupski’s Chief of Staff, thank you. District Attorney Sim Gill, thank you very much. Blake Nakamura Chief Deputy District Attorney, thank you for being here. And thank you all for being here this morning. In the wake of this tragic, tragic incident, I am relieved and grief-stricken to report that we have recovered Mackenzie Lueck from Logan Canyon. As I stated last week, we continue to work this case around the clock in hopes that we would be able to provide the Lueck family, our community, and every Police Department employee with closure. Through tireless detective work and investigation, we recovered the body on Wednesday, and were able to forensically confirm it was her. I spoke with Mackenzie’s family this morning, another devastating call. Despite their grief, we hope this will help them find some closure and justice for Mackenzie. We ask for continued respect for their privacy from the media and the community as a deal with this terrible tragedy. Greg and Diana through their anguish again extended their deepest thanks to the Salt Lake City Police Department and the Salt Lake County District Attorney’s office. We also would like to thank the Utah State Crime Lab, the Cass County Sheriff’s Office, the community, and all those who have assisted in this case. I would personally like to commend the detectives and Salt Lake City Police Department Evidence and Crime Lab personnel for their unyielding perseverance and dedication as they have investigated this case. Over the last two weeks they have dropped their personal lives and worked thousands of hours to get us to this point. As a police chief there are no words I can use to express my feelings, and I couldn’t be prouder of the women and men of this department. Whenever our community experiences a loss like this, the tragic circumstances have the potential to tear the fabric of our community. I am here to ask you, to implore you, to remain respectful. The tight knit nature of this community is what helped us close this case so quickly. You have rallied together behind the Lueck family through this trial, and I have felt that overwhelming support. I hope that we take the time this weekend to talk to our loved ones, and work together to help prevent crimes like these from occurring. Thank you. I thank the Mayor for her support of this Police Department during this investigation. Mayor, thank you so much. And now I’d like to turn the time over to her to say a few words.

Mayor Jackie Biskupski offers heartfelt words to the family & community of Salt Lake City at the Mackenzie Lueck press conference. 07/05/2019

MAYOR JACKIE BISKUPSKI: Thank you. As a parent myself, this is a circumstance beyond belief. It’s a scenario you can’t even imagine happening in your life. I hope the information today brings additional closure to Mackenzie’s family and friends, and I continue to offer my support as you grieve and seek justice. I have tremendous gratitude to Chief Brown and the members of our Police Department for their work on this case. The Police Department has been diligent in following up on every little lead in this case. And as Chief Brown mentioned, they have put their own lives on hold to do this work, and it again exemplifies how tremendously honored I am to be a part of this Police Department, which is one of the best in the country. I believe this case shows how serious we take crime in Salt Lake City, and I personally want to express my deep sorrow, and that I and this community are here for the Lueck family as you continue to go through this process of grieving, of seeking justice, and letting go of your loved one in a very tragic circumstance. Please know we are here for you. Thank you.

District Attorney Sim Gill discusses the Mackenzie Lueck case and investigation into Ayoola Ajayi at the press conference. July 5, 2019.

SIM GILL: Good afternoon. Mayor, Chief. My name is Sim Gill I’m a Salt Lake County District Attorney and I want to take a second to personally thank my friend and colleague Chief Mike Brown. Through this process we have been in constant touch through this investigation, and this has truly been a team effort. There are scores of individuals supporting this ongoing effort, and I want to again especially acknowledge the support of the Crime Lab, but more personally Chief thank you again for your resolve and your team through this whole process. I also want to extend my condolences to Greg and Diana, The Lueck family. Also myself and Blake Nakamura this morning spoke briefly with them as well, and they send their heartfelt appreciation to the collective efforts in their behalf in this community and from this law enforcement family. Please note, this continues to be an open investigation. It is not uncommon for investigative efforts to continue as a case progresses through to meet our obligation to the discovery of truth, and the ongoing responsibility to collect all available evidence. This matter has been brought to the District Attorney’s Office for screening of charges as we move beyond the rest to our screening functions. It is critically important to note, while an arrest has been made and a suspect has been booked into jail, booking speaks only to allegations in our system of justice, and a presumption of innocence applies to all our community. That presumption applies in this matter as well as including this person. As indicated earlier, both the Chief and I will not make any further statements beyond this. And let me just say that working together with the DA’s office and the Homicide Unit of the Salt Lake City Police Department, the product of our efforts created a significant opportunity and a lead. This was collaboratively vetted, and it seemed to indicate that we may be able to locate possible remains of Mackenzie Lueck. And that’s what led to the events and the investigation on Wednesday July 3rd. At this stage, we will move forward with our screening of formal charges. That will happen the early part of next week, and we will then move to a forward with our judicial process. Again I just want to take a second to just acknowledge again the incredible effort of the Salt Lake City Police Department, the Homicide Unit, Todd Mitchell and all those folks who worked on this. And also just to again reiterate what the Chief has already asked, please at this time if we could respect the privacy of the Lueck family and give them some peace as they go through that process as well. Thank you.

CHRISTINA JUDD: Thank you for coming today. This concludes our press conference.


Link: VIDEO – Mackenzie Lueck Press Conference Today (July 5, 2019)

Link: Mackenzie Lueck Press Conference Transcript (June 27, 2019)

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