Welcome to CrimeLights, a website devoted to shining a light on true crime cases and unsolved mysteries.
Through the use of news reports, press releases, public records and other sources, we profile investigations (old and new) to keep readers informed and up to date on case information & developments.
Unfortunately, behind every crime is a multitude of direct and indirect victims. We aim to cover newsworthy events in an accurate and ethical manner.
A heavy emphasis is placed on preserving live and pre-recorded audio/video (such as press conferences & interviews) through transcription. It is common for media like this to be lost to time and circumstance when websites undergo revisions or deletions. We hope transcripts can make the material more accessible to a broader audience (ex: those with hearing impairments or language learners who can read English but are still working on listening comprehension). If there is a case-related piece of media you would like transcribed or feel would be beneficial to have archived, please drop us a line, and we will gladly add it to the queue. Suggestions from readers are always appreciated and highly regarded.
If you have a tip or information you would like to share, you are welcome to contact us. Your confidentiality will be respected and protected.
Thank you for being a vital part of our community!
–CrimeLights Team