PLACEHOLDER PAGE – Check back on 12/20/24 for real-time transcription
2024 Delphi Murders Press Conference Announced: On December 20, 2024, a press conference will be held after Richard Allen’s sentencing. Speakers are expected to include Doug Carter & Jerry Holeman (Indiana State Police), Nick McLeland (Carroll County Prosecutor) and the families of Liberty German and Abigail Williams.
A live transcript will be prepared and posted on CrimeLights. This is a placeholder page, and will be actively updated during the press conference.
Delphi / Richard Allen Supreme Court Transcript: Oral Arguments held on January 18, 2024
The Richard Allen Supreme Court transcript below offers a detailed account of the hour-long oral arguments conducted on January 18th, 2024, at the Indiana Supreme Court. In October 2023, Special Judge Fran Gull removed counsel for Allen, who faces charges related to the 2017 deaths of teens Liberty German and Abigail Williams, commonly known as the ‘Delphi murders.’ Following a series of events that involved a former employee of attorney Andrew Baldwin accessing a conference room, covertly taking photographs of crime scene images, and sharing them online, Judge Gull accused Baldwin and co-counsel Bradley Rozzi of “gross negligence” and asserted that she could no longer permit them to represent Allen, despite the defendant’s objections.
Questioning the court’s authority to sever the attorney-client relationship, Allen urgently petitioned the Supreme Court for relief. His requests included the reinstatement of his attorneys, the appointment of a new judge, and the scheduling of a ‘speedy trial’ date within 70 days.
State of Indiana ex rel. Richard M. Allen
– v. –
Carroll Circuit Court
The Honorable Frances M. Gull, Special Judge
SHERIFF JOE DOWDELL: All rise. The Supreme Court of Indiana is now back in session. [Gavel strike] Please be seated.
CHIEF JUSTICE RUSH: Good morning and welcome. We’re here this morning to hear an argument in the case of State ex rel. Richard Allen, relator, v. Carroll Circuit Court and The Honorable Fran M. Gull, respondents. Counsel for Richard Allen, the relator, will argue first.
We are hearing this case on a Writ for Mandamus in a prohibition case. Representing the relator today, we have Mark Leeman. Good morning and welcome, Mr. Leeman. You will be arguing the case.
Newly Unsealed Documents (in Text Format) Show ‘the Smoking Gun’ Used to tie Richard Allen to Delphi Murders
Judge Frances Gull opted to unseal the Richard Allen Probable Cause Affidavit, marking one of the first times documents related to the Delphi murders have been publicly released.
Witness names, as well as the name of a Delphi detective were kept redacted. Below, we have taken the scanned images of the case documents and transcribed into text format so it is easier to read.
A narrated audio file of the Delphi probable cause affidavit is below.
CAUSE NO. 08C01-2210-MR-01
I, the undersigned affiant, submit the following information pursuant to I.C. 35-33-7-2 as a sworn affidavit setting forth the facts and circumstances known to law enforcement of Carroll County as the basis for probable cause to arrest without a warrant or to establish probable cause for issuance of an arrest warrant for the above named defendant.
That the facts and circumstances described below would be sufficient basis for a person of reasonable caution and prudence to believe that the accused has committed or attempted to commit the offense(s) described and that if arrested without a warrant, such would be authorized under I.C.35-33-1-1.
That the hearsay statements of witnesses contained herein are considered reliable and credible due to the witness’s personal knowledge and/or are corroborated by the totality of the circumstances.
That on February 14th, 2017 Victim 1 and Victim 2 were found deceased in the woods approximately 0.2 miles northeast of the Monon High Bridge in Carroll County. Their bodies were located on the north side of the Deer …
“The Carroll County Prosecutor’s Office appreciates the Judge hearing our arguments yesterday morning and looks forward to her ruling.
As I started in court yesterday, we strongly believe the evidence shows Richard Allen was involved in the murder of Abby and Libby.
Because the investigation is ongoing and given the intense public interest in the case, we think it would be best if the documents remain sealed. Regardless of the ruling, we believe we have a very solid case against Mr. Allen and look forward to making our argument in trial.”
Attorney for Accused Delphi Killer: “Our client is the wrong guy.”
Lawyers for Richard Allen speak to the media following Delphi court hearing, touching on: Emotions of client & his wife, Kegan Kline, “flimsy” probable cause & shock at prosecutor’s claim more people may be involved (“that’s new news [not reflected in evidence]“).
Full Video & Transcript Below
What Happened at the Delphi Court Hearing?
On November 22, 2022 newly appointed attorneys for the accused Delphi killer, Richard Allen, appeared alongside their client for the first time at the Carroll County Courthouse.
Two issues were on the agenda*:
1. The State of the Probable Cause Affidavit: The PCA (a sworn document presented to the court via law enforcement outlining the investigation & providing supporting facts to justify an arrest and/or search) in this case was sealed by the prior judge at the prosecutor’s behest. This is highly unusual, as PCA’s become public record once the case is filed. Several media organizations joined together, requesting release of the documents.
Carroll County Prosecutor Nicholas McLeland held firm on the position a doc-disclosure could jeopardize the case, even suggesting there may be other person(s) involved. He expressed additional concern over names of witnesses listed in PCA becoming public, stating some are juveniles and young adults entitled to privacy.
Bradley Rozzi (Allen’s attorney) pushed for a release on behalf of his client, insisting “transparency” was crucial & the secrecy surrounding the case was harmful. He agreed with McLeland that young witnesses should be protected, and simply redacting their names prior to publication would accomplish this. Keeping the documents sealed could also cause procedural hangups: at upcoming public hearings, it would be difficult for attorneys to properly advocate for their client if certain aspects of the case …
“This case is unlike any that I’ve seen… there are so many different tentacles. It’s very complex.”
-Doug Carter, Indiana State Police Superintendent
Topics covered include:
-the Delphi Murders
– Richard Allen arrest
–Kegan Kline connection
-Potential unsealing of the probable cause affidavit
On November 11th 2022, Doug Carter(Superintendent of the Indiana State Police & well known leader & figurehead of the Delphi Murders investigation) visited the Hammer & Nigel Show at the 93.1 WIBC studio.
The hosts conducted a great interview with the always-engaging Carter, and there seemed to be a genuine camaraderie amongst the trio that set the tone for an especially good exchange.
Below is a transcript of the show, as well as the full audio of the Doug Carter radio interview.
NIGEL: My name is Nigel. Jason Hammer is here. Also, special in-studio guest Indiana State Police Superintendent Doug Carter joining us back live in-studio. Good to have you here live, in-studio, Doug. Good to see you again. You look great! Pull that microphone right up towards you there, man.
DOUG CARTER: Oh, it’s my pleasure. Yeah, thank you very much for having me, it’s awesome!
NIGEL: You know, one of the things a few weeks ago after you were at the podium announcing that you’d made an arrest for Abby and Libby… I just felt like, a sense of relief. Like a [exhales dramatically, ie; ‘breathing a sigh of relief’] because this was one huge step towards finally getting some justice for Abby and Libby. I know you were quite emotional at that podium at that press conference a few weeks ago, did you feel a sense of relief? I mean, I know you’re working with several different agencies, but …
New Delphi Murders Press Conference Transcript 2022
Delphi murders press conference transcript details: On October 31, 2022 (Halloween) a press event was held at the United Methodist Church in Delphi, Indiana. An update was provided on the Delphi double homicides & the official announcement was made that Richard Allen was arrested & is being charged with two counts of murderfor the deaths of Liberty German and Abigail Williams.
Speakers: Sergeant Jeremy Piers [Public Information Officer; Indiana State Police] / Superindent Doug Carter [ISP Superintendent], Sherrif Tobe Leazenby [Carroll County Sherrif] & Nicholas McLeland [Carroll County Prosecutor]
SGT. JEREMY PIERS: Good morning. My name is Sergeant Jeremy Piers, Public Information Officer for the Indiana State Police Lafayette Post. I’d like to thank you all for being here, and thank the Delphi United Methodist Church for allowing us to use their facility. This morning we’re going to provide an update on the investigation into the murders of Abigail Williams and Liberty German. Before we get started, I’m going to introduce you to our speakers, Superintendent of the Indiana State Police Doug Carter, the Carroll County Sheriff, Tobe Leazenby, and the Carroll County Prosecutor Nick McLeland. I’d like to remind everyone that this continues to be an active and ongoing investigation. At the conclusion of this press conference, we are going to answer a limited amount of questions, out of respect to the investigation and the process that will follow today. We will not discuss evidence that is related to this investigation. On behalf of the Delphi Double Homicide Task Force, thank you all for your continued support. I would now like to introduce to you our first speaker, Superintendent of the Indiana State Police, Doug Carter.
In an eerie coincidence, a police poster depicting a sketch of the Delphi killer appears in the background of a photograph of Richard Allen (arrested Friday in relation to the Delphi murders) & his wife.
In December of 2021, the wife of Richard Allen made a post on a local pub’s Facebook group. JC’s Bar and Grill, a once popular dive bar in Delphi, was permanently closing its doors. Allen’s wife left a tribute, reminiscing about the great people and fun times she had at the establishment. Included with the dive bar memorial was a set of 40 photographs she shared with the group.
Richard Allen’s wife posted to the JC’s Bar Facebook.
At first glance, they are exactly what you would expect to see. Pictures of patrons playing pool, drinking beer, and eating fried food. But upon closer inspection, one image stands out as particularly ominous: in Photo #13, a smiling Mrs. Allen cocks her head to make sure she appears in the frame alongside her husband, who is seated at a table near the bar’s entrance. Behind his shoulder is a coat rack, bulletin board… and the Delphi murders ‘Wanted’ poster, pinned to the wall. The flyer, which many local businesses began displaying shortly after the murders, features the police sketch of the killer, his description, details of the crime, and contact information to submit a tip.
While it’s important to remember police have not yet made any definitive statements that Richard Allen is the likely Delphi killer, their actions speak louder than words. Notoriously tight-lipped law enforcement confirmed that Allen’s arrest was indeed tied to the murders, and a press conference is planned for Halloween morning. The family of Libby and Abby seem very hopeful and positive on social media.
Richard Allen of Delphi, Indiana was arrested in connection with the Delphi Murders on Friday October 28, 2022 at approximately midnight.
A press conference will be held on October 31 at 10:00 am EST with more details, but in the meantime, we have pulled background reports on Richard Allen in an attempt to find out more information.
-This page will be edited as information comes in-
Legal Disclaimer: We are using a third-party company to pull Richard Allen’s background check. Until we have confirmation from the police, there is always a chance a piece(s) of information in the background check may be inaccurate.
Transcript of Info-Graphs:
What We Know About Richard Allen – Delphi Murders Arrest
Born in 1972 in Indiana [50 years old]
Married wife Kathy (1991) in Miami County, IN
At least 1 daughter [28 years old, married]
Bought home on Whiteman Dr. in Delphi Indiana in 1996
No reported accidents. Single owner. Color unknown.
Issued Concealed Weapons permit (#–7341)
Expired June 26, 2009 & does not appear to have been renewed.
History of multiple speeding, traffic & seatbelt offenses.
Remembering Abby and Libby
If you’re interested in honoring the lives of Abigail Williams and Liberty German, the families have set up funds to provide scholarships to graduating seniors from Delphi Community High School who have financial need & demonstrate good character, citizenship & scholastic record.
Rumors are swirling that Tony Kline, father of Kegan Kline, was arrested in relation to the Delphi double murder investigation.
So far, there has been no official confirmation or denial, but multiple social media pages and YouTubers are reporting a press conference will be held this evening at 6:00 pm.
Currently, we have heard this information is very likely to be untrue – Tony Kline has not been arrested, and there are no imminent plans for a presser.
We will update as the day progresses, and time-stamp for clarity. All updates going forward will be posted in chronological order, old to new.
Update #1 – 5:36 pm EST
We have spoken to a total of 3 separate households living within the vicinity of the Kline’s. None reported witnessing any police presence. This differs from the two other times law enforcement paid the duo a visit, with neighbors quick to notice the commotion and cruisers parked on the street.
Update #2 – 6:17 pm EST
How did this rumor grow legs? All signs point to Facebook! Late this morning, the admin of a popular Indiana-locals Facebook group posted they believed an arrest would be made “in the very near future in relation to the Delphi murders.” Group members were eager to chime in, but soon the comments began to read like a game of telephone. Early replies were mostly speculative but quickly morphed from “I have a feeling there will be an arrest” to “I heard there was an arrest” and “I know someone who saw him being arrested.” A low-flying helicopter in the skies over Peru Indiana added to the excitement, however, flight tracking software shows this was an emergency medical flight.