PLACEHOLDER PAGE – Check back on 12/20/24 for real-time transcription
2024 Delphi Murders Press Conference Announced: On December 20, 2024, a press conference will be held after Richard Allen’s sentencing. Speakers are expected to include Doug Carter & Jerry Holeman (Indiana State Police), Nick McLeland (Carroll County Prosecutor) and the families of Liberty German and Abigail Williams.
A live transcript will be prepared and posted on CrimeLights. This is a placeholder page, and will be actively updated during the press conference.
Attorney for Accused Delphi Killer: “Our client is the wrong guy.”
Lawyers for Richard Allen speak to the media following Delphi court hearing, touching on: Emotions of client & his wife, Kegan Kline, “flimsy” probable cause & shock at prosecutor’s claim more people may be involved (“that’s new news [not reflected in evidence]“).
Full Video & Transcript Below
What Happened at the Delphi Court Hearing?
On November 22, 2022 newly appointed attorneys for the accused Delphi killer, Richard Allen, appeared alongside their client for the first time at the Carroll County Courthouse.
Two issues were on the agenda*:
1. The State of the Probable Cause Affidavit: The PCA (a sworn document presented to the court via law enforcement outlining the investigation & providing supporting facts to justify an arrest and/or search) in this case was sealed by the prior judge at the prosecutor’s behest. This is highly unusual, as PCA’s become public record once the case is filed. Several media organizations joined together, requesting release of the documents.
Carroll County Prosecutor Nicholas McLeland held firm on the position a doc-disclosure could jeopardize the case, even suggesting there may be other person(s) involved. He expressed additional concern over names of witnesses listed in PCA becoming public, stating some are juveniles and young adults entitled to privacy.
Bradley Rozzi (Allen’s attorney) pushed for a release on behalf of his client, insisting “transparency” was crucial & the secrecy surrounding the case was harmful. He agreed with McLeland that young witnesses should be protected, and simply redacting their names prior to publication would accomplish this. Keeping the documents sealed could also cause procedural hangups: at upcoming public hearings, it would be difficult for attorneys to properly advocate for their client if certain aspects of the case …
New Delphi Murders Press Conference Transcript 2022
Delphi murders press conference transcript details: On October 31, 2022 (Halloween) a press event was held at the United Methodist Church in Delphi, Indiana. An update was provided on the Delphi double homicides & the official announcement was made that Richard Allen was arrested & is being charged with two counts of murderfor the deaths of Liberty German and Abigail Williams.
Speakers: Sergeant Jeremy Piers [Public Information Officer; Indiana State Police] / Superindent Doug Carter [ISP Superintendent], Sherrif Tobe Leazenby [Carroll County Sherrif] & Nicholas McLeland [Carroll County Prosecutor]
SGT. JEREMY PIERS: Good morning. My name is Sergeant Jeremy Piers, Public Information Officer for the Indiana State Police Lafayette Post. I’d like to thank you all for being here, and thank the Delphi United Methodist Church for allowing us to use their facility. This morning we’re going to provide an update on the investigation into the murders of Abigail Williams and Liberty German. Before we get started, I’m going to introduce you to our speakers, Superintendent of the Indiana State Police Doug Carter, the Carroll County Sheriff, Tobe Leazenby, and the Carroll County Prosecutor Nick McLeland. I’d like to remind everyone that this continues to be an active and ongoing investigation. At the conclusion of this press conference, we are going to answer a limited amount of questions, out of respect to the investigation and the process that will follow today. We will not discuss evidence that is related to this investigation. On behalf of the Delphi Double Homicide Task Force, thank you all for your continued support. I would now like to introduce to you our first speaker, Superintendent of the Indiana State Police, Doug Carter.
Below is the full Delphi Press Conference Transcript. On Monday April 22, 2019, investigators from Delphi Indiana Police, Indiana State Police, The FBI and Carroll County Sheriff’s office invited the media and public to attend a press conference with new information about the murders of Libby German and Abby Williams. They released audio and video footage of the suspect, as well as a new police sketch which looks very different from the well known “Bridge Guy” sketch. Continue below to read the Delphi Press Conference Transcript.
Standing at podium is Indiana State Police Superintendent Carter and Sheriff Leazenby to his right.
Delphi Press Conference 2019 Transcript: Superintendent Carter
SUPERINTENDENT CARTER: I wasn’t sure quite what to expect when I walked out, but I got to say to the Delphi Community, um, I got to say to the Delphi Community how grateful I am. You inspire people you don’t even understand when, you don’t even understand why. Information is being released today is the result of literally thousands and thousands of hours of extraordinary investigative efforts by Delphi, Carroll County, The FBI, The Indiana State Police and countless other agencies. This community surrounded us some 26 months ago. And you did everything you could to support us, but most importantly you surrounded the family of these two little girls. Gosh, I’ll never forget it! After you hear what we’re going to release today I’m going to ask for your continued support, your continued understanding, your empathy and compassion as we move forward to find out who did this….and we will. We’re seeking the public’s help to identify the driver of a vehicle that was parked at the old CPS/DCS welfare building in the city of Delphi that was abandoned on the east side of County …