Why Are Police Searching Carlton Reserve for Brian Laundrie?

Why are police searching Carlton Reserve for Brian Laundrie Search?

Frustration grows as day 5 of the search comes to a close, and the public wants to know why police are searching Carlton Reserve for Brian Laundrie. The answer? Because they know something we don’t.

Editorial / Option Piece

“Come on!!! You are wasting your time [at Carlton Reserve]. Brian Laundrie’s parents are obviously good manipulators. They have you believing he’s there, but he’s not!”

North Port Police Facebook Brian Laundrie Search why Carlton Reserve is he out of country
The Search for Brian Laundrie: North Port Police face a barrage of comments from people questioning why they are searching the Carlton Reserve.

If you look at the North Port Police Facebook page, you will find that 90% of the comments share the same sentiment: Despite a massive 5-day search, Brian Laundrie is not in the Carlton Reserve. Police should not be searching there, and it’s obvious they’re there under the direction of Brian Laundrie’s parents (Laundrie’s parents told police their son went to the nature area over a week ago to “meditate” and ‘hike”. When he did not return home, they notified police three days later).

It’s clear the general public has questions and is feeling extremely disillusioned with the direction the search is headed, especially as days continue to pass without Brian Laundrie being located.

But let’s think about this rationally. Law Enforcement is searching that Reserve for a very particular reason. A reason we likely won’t know details of until Brian Laundrie is found.

The FBI has taken the reigns, and personnel from 65 different agencies are on the ground aiding. And it’s not just humans assisting in the search for Brian Laundrie. Swamp buggies, boats, drones, helicopters, and planes have also been deployed. Think of the expense — this is likely costing hundreds of thousands of dollars per day, and the treacherous terrain poses a real danger to those involved.…

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