ISP Superintendent Doug Carter warns the killer “…we know a lot about you. Sleep well.”
On February 10, 2022 Good Morning America featured a segment on the Delphi Murders titled ‘Indiana police issues warning to killer still at large for murder of Delphi teens’. Indiana State Police Superintendent Doug Carter was featured along with Libby German’s grandparents Becky and Mike Patty, and Abby Williams’ mother Anna Williams.
We have transcribed the full GMA interview below and embedded the video clip.
[CLIP: Good Morning America Delphi Murders Video – Police Warning to Killer]
MICHAEL STRAHAN: With the latest on the Delphi murder case, nearly five years after the killing of two Indiana teenage girls, police say they may be closing in on the killer. Amy is here with the latest on the investigation and what the families are saying now. Good morning, Amy.
AMY ROBACH: And good morning to you, Michael. This is the murder case of two young girls who managed to record the suspect with a phone. But five years later, he has still not been caught. While the case remains unsolved, Indiana State Police say they still receive 25 to 30 tips a week from all over the world, and they say this case is far from cold.
[NARRATION] Nearly five years since 13-year-old Abby Williams and 14-year-old Libby German were murdered on this Indiana hiking trail, their killer still at large. And this morning, Indiana State Police issuing a new warning to the culprit.
DOUG CARTER [SUPERINTENDENT, INDIANA STATE POLICE]: My resolve to catch him is as strong now as it was day one. But the difference now – between now and day one – is we know about you. A lot about you. Today could be the day. Sleep well.
[NARRATION] Abby and Libby were last seen near this bridge in February of 2017. Authorities say Libby recorded this image of the alleged killer on her iPhone, along with haunting audio of his voice moments before their murder, apparently telling them to go down the hill.
[“Guys… down the hill” audio clip plays]
State Police also urging anyone who may have communicated with his phony social media profile ‘Anthony_Shots’ to come forward. Police releasing information about these fake Snapchat and Instagram accounts in December, saying the person who created them tried to solicit nude images, obtain addresses and meet juvenile females. Investigators say the model in these images is not a suspect.
DOUG CARTER: That’s generated tremendous, tremendous number of leads for us and that’s as far as I can go.
BECKY PATTY [GRANDMOTHER OF LIBBY GERMAN]: If you knew Libby, she had her phone attached to her hip all the time.
[NARRATION] Libby’s grandparents believe the teen knew something wasn’t right with the man she encountered, prompting her to record him.
MIKE PATTY [GRANDFATHER OF LIBBY GERMAN]: There’s something inside me that says she was gonna film that and come home and say “look grandpa, look at this guy. He was out there, really weird.”
[NARRATION] Abby’s mother Anna; reflecting on what her daughter would have been like today.
ANNA WILLIAMS [MOTHER OF ABBY WILLIAMS]: They’d be finishing up their freshman year in college. It’s hard to believe. She would have turned into a really good young lady.

[NARRATION] Both families desperate for the one tip that will bring them closure.
ANNA WILLIAMS: It’s probably the smallest thing, but it’s that small thing that we’re missing. And that’s what we just keep hoping for is that that one small thing will come to light and that this will be over soon.
MIKE PATTY: This guy could strike again. It could be your kids, you know? It happened to our family. I don’t want it to happen to anybody else. This is not something anybody should have to go through.

[Camera cuts back to live studio]
AMY ROBACH: No, it isn’t. And police Superintendent Carter has vowed to forge ahead until the killer is found. Hopefully, he will soon be able to give the families of Libby and Abby some closure. That’s what his hope is, and certainly take a dangerous man off the streets. Guys?
ROBIN ROBERTS: What those families are going through, I mean…
MICHAEL STRAHAN: Yup, and we all hope for that, Amy. Thank you.
Note: As the Delphi Murders 5 year anniversary approaches, HLN has a new one-hour special devoted to the case which will air SATURDAY FEBRUARY 12 at 8:00pm EST. The program will include an exclusive jailhouse interview with Keegan Kline, the man behind the Anthony_Shots profile. Barbara MacDonald, HLN reporter/producer has been sharing details on her Twitter account, @NewsyBarbara. We will post a transcript of the show after it airs.