Dr. Oz Delphi Murders Video: Robert Ives Transcript

Dr. Oz Delphi Murders Show Interview with Robert Ives Transcript (Carroll County Prosecutor)

In February 2021, former Carroll County Prosecutor Robert Ives appeared on The Dr. Oz Show to discuss the Delphi Murders. Though the interview was brief, Ives again mentioned the “three or four signatures” left by the killer and described the crime scene as “very unusual”.

Below is the video of the show, as well as a transcript of Robert Ives’ interview.


[Begin Robert Ives Dr. Oz Show Transcript]

DR. OZ: Let me bring in Robert Ives who was the Chief Prosecutor in Carroll County, Indiana at the time of these murders, and who can shed a little light in how unique this crime scene was. Thank you for being here, sir. The girls’ cause of death is still protected, which I understand, but what can you tell us about the actual crime scene, with what you’re allowed to share? Could this have been the work of a serial killer?

ROBERT IVES: Well, I think like most people because the trail is not well known… it’s not a big tourist spot, and because the bridge itself is something you wouldn’t cross unless you were familiar with the area. The bridge was abandoned 30 years ago, and when you see the person walking across with his head down, it’s because it’s not safe to cross that bridge. The bridge was not part of the trail. The trail terminated at the bridge. And so most people I believe, and most people law enforcement thought “It must be a local person” because why would anybody be there? Why would you be familiar with that trail? But on the other hand, the crime is so… it’s impossible to think of a motivation for the crime. Generally [in the past] when you have a murder in rural Indiana, this is Carroll County, the motive was …

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HLN ‘Down The Hill’ Transcript: Who Killed Abby & Libby?

HLN Down the Hill Delphi Murders Transcript. New information from roundtable discussion includes a high school witness saw BG suspect and Libby's video length. This is a picture of the video's participants (Barbara MacDonald, Drew Iden, Casey Jordan, Mike Galanos)


  • A female high school student on the trails prior to Abby and Libby’s arrival may have spoken to the suspect known as ‘Bridge Guy’. 
  • Unreleased portion of Libby’s video is short & does NOT contain additional audio or video of the killer.
  • Criminologist does not believe killer knew the girls and agrees with investigators that he is local & follows the case.
  • Contrary to social media speculation, there is no indication that police have narrowed in on a specific person of interest & still hope for ‘the’ tip.

To accompany HLN Down The Hill – The Delphi Murders television special, viewers were encouraged to submit questions about the case which were answered during a round table discussion on YouTube. 

True Crime Live host Mike Galanos sat down with HLN documentary producers Barbara MacDonald and Drew Iden, along with criminologist Dr. Casey Jordan, to respond to viewer’s queries and share their insight into the Delphi Murder investigation.

In an ongoing effort to document interviews and newsworthy material related to the unsolved Delphi Murders, we have transcribed the panel discussion (titled Who Killed Abby and Libby? HLN Investigates Your Questions about “Down the Hill) below.

Viewer questions will be highlighted in yellow. There are some interesting bits of information included within the discussion. Over the past year and a half, Barbara MacDonald and Drew Iden have been dedicated to investigating the Delphi Murders case (including spending time on the ground in Delphi for the “Down the Hill Podcast” / two-part documentary), and have developed solid relationships with both family and police. 

While reading the transcript, you can follow along by watching the Q&A on Youtube here: Who Killed Abby and Libby? HLN Investigates Your Questions about ‘Down the Hill’.

[Begin …

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