Transcribing the Delphi Trial

In the event cameras are not allowed in the courtroom at the upcoming Delphi murders trial, using shorthand transcripts could act as a safety net.

Since January, I have been enrolled in a shorthand class, learning a pen-and-paper technique for recording the spoken word. This serves as a precaution in case cameras are not allowed in the courtroom for the Delphi trial.

My goal is to attend and transcribe the trial (and possibly pre-trial hearings of importance), publicly releasing the notes daily.

To accomplish this, I will need assistance, including volunteers I can send the notes to for prep/upload.

This is a placeholder page. In the coming days I will update this with detailed information.

Thank you so much!


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Richard Allen Supreme Court TRANSCRIPT – Delphi Murders Case

Richard Allen Supreme Court Transcript - Supreme Court house building merged with Monon High Bridge, the bridge featured in Libby German and Abby Williams snapchat images. A photo of Richard Allen in court appears in the background. This is the main picture for a post featuring a full transcription of the Delphi Supreme Court hearings and oral arguments that occured on January 18, 2024.

Delphi / Richard Allen Supreme Court Transcript: Oral Arguments held on January 18, 2024

The Richard Allen Supreme Court transcript below offers a detailed account of the hour-long oral arguments conducted on January 18th, 2024, at the Indiana Supreme Court. In October 2023, Special Judge Fran Gull removed counsel for Allen, who faces charges related to the 2017 deaths of teens Liberty German and Abigail Williams, commonly known as the ‘Delphi murders.’ Following a series of events that involved a former employee of attorney Andrew Baldwin accessing a conference room, covertly taking photographs of crime scene images, and sharing them online, Judge Gull accused Baldwin and co-counsel Bradley Rozzi of “gross negligence” and asserted that she could no longer permit them to represent Allen, despite the defendant’s objections.

Questioning the court’s authority to sever the attorney-client relationship, Allen urgently petitioned the Supreme Court for relief. His requests included the reinstatement of his attorneys, the appointment of a new judge, and the scheduling of a ‘speedy trial’ date within 70 days.

State of Indiana ex rel. Richard M. Allen 

– v. –

Carroll Circuit Court 


The Honorable Frances M. Gull, Special Judge


SHERIFF JOE DOWDELL: All rise. The Supreme Court of Indiana is now back in session. [Gavel strike] Please be seated.  

CHIEF JUSTICE RUSH: Good morning and welcome. We’re here this morning to hear an argument in the case of State ex rel. Richard Allen, relator, v. Carroll Circuit Court and The Honorable Fran M. Gull, respondents. Counsel for Richard Allen, the relator, will argue first. 

We are hearing this case on a Writ for Mandamus in a prohibition case. Representing the relator today, we have Mark Leeman. Good morning and welcome, Mr. Leeman. You will be arguing the case. 

At …

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