Chris Watts Mistress Confession TRANSCRIPT – Part Six

Chris Watts Mistress Involved Confession Interview Transcript

Chris Watts Mistress Nichol Kessinger is discussed in Part 6 of the Confession Transcript: FBI Agent asks Chris point blank if she was involved in Shanann Watts murder, if his son Nico was named after her, etc.

(The Chris Watts Mistress Confession Part 6 is continued from Part One , Part Two , Part Three & Part Four & Five of The Chris Watts Interview Transcript ).

Note to other media outlets about use: I have spent days working on the 5 hour Chris Watts confession interview transcript, since the FBI did not make a full transcription available. You are welcome to use it by linking back to this website. 

[ Begin Chris Watts Mistress Portion of Confession Interview Transcript Part 6] 

Grahm (FBI): There are quite a few people who would tell us, and do tell us, “You need to look into Nikki more”. Nikki Kessinger.  All the way from the extreme end of things being “Nikki is the one who ordered the hit”. [*Note: ‘Nikki’ is the nickname of Chris Watts mistress Nichol Kessinger. One of the biggest questions online has been was Chris Watts mistress involved in the murders, either directly or indirectly?].

Tammy (CBI):  “…she was there hiding in the basement!”

Grahm: So the extreme is “she is the one who told Chris to do it. she is the real problem”. All the way –that’s the extreme side– and then all the way to “Well there are these texts where she was infatuated, she was in love, she was saying how good Chris was in the sack”, and “Maybe we should look at her more”. What would you say to those people?

Chris:  She had her moments where I had to talk her, like, off a ledge kinda deal.

Grahm: What does that mean?


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Chris Watts Confession Interview TRANSCRIPT – Part Five

Chris Watts Confession Interview Transcript Mistress Nichol Kessinger Delete Texts Guilty Plea

Chris Watts Confession Interview Transcript Part 5: Chris talks about the reason he plead guilty, harassment from fellow prisoners, hiding evidence, his parents, and his mistress Nikki Kessinger’s strange behavior after his family went “missing”.

(The Chris Watts confession interview transcript is continued from Part One , Part Two , Part Three & Part Four of The Chris Watts Interview Transcript ).

Note to other media outlets about use: I have spent days working on the 5 hour Chris Watts confession interview transcript, since the FBI did not make a full transcription available. You are welcome to use it by linking back to this website.

[ Begin Chris Watts Confession Interview Transcript Part 5] 

Tammy (CBI): They don’t, they don’t hate you. [*In regards to Chris feeling like Shanann’s family, mother Sandy Rzucek, father Frank Rzucek and brother Frankie Rzucek hate him].

Dave (Frederick, CO Detective): In fact while we’re on the subject, I speak with them weekly and I told them we were gonna come here and hopefully you’d speak with us and they told me to tell you, understandably, they’re you know, devastated, but they actually said that they love you. They still love you. Sandy explained it, you know he’s our son..son-in-law..for 8 years. I can’t just turn that off. So they don’t hate you- they don’t.

Chris: That’s amazing to hear that!

Dave: Yeah and I can tell you Sandy was the one that was most resistant to penalties in this case, she told me that from the very beginning. She didn’t want that- it’s God’s decision, it’s not her decision and she told me that even then. So it’s not just a one time thing that she has said it to me, it’s been over the whole course of the event, so that’s probably one of the most honest …

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