Chris Watts on Suicide Watch: BREAKING NEWS 03/13/19

Chris Watts on Suicide watch at Wisconsin prison

Chris Watts has been placed on suicide watch, a source with Wisconsin Department of Corrections told RadarOnline this afternoon. While the exact reasoning for placing Chris Watts on suicide watch is unclear, Radar implies it is due to statements he made to the FBI, CBI, and Frederick CO police last month regarding other inmates encouraging him to harm himself.

This doesn’t quite make sense (and I have another theory why this occurred, which I’ll discuss below). For the past several days, we’ve been typing up the Chris Watts confession interview transcript in it’s entirety, and the issue with other inmates occurred at his former jail in Weld County, Colorado. He was only there for a few months before being moved to Dodge Correctional Institution in Waupun, Wisconsin (where the most recent FBI interview took place), and says he is much happier there and has no issues with other prisoners. Below is exactly what Chris stated in the interview about problems in prison, and life in his new facility:

What Chris Watts Said About Inmate Threats and Taunts

Tammy Lee (CBI): So did it have anything to do with you not having the death penalty? [*She is asking if his decision to plead guilty had to do with Colorado’s death penalty].

Chris: No like honestly, when I was sitting it that cell, I felt I should die. I was listening to everybody (*other prisoners) telling me like “Hey if you do this and this you can hang yourself from that cell. You can do this and that —“

Tammy: They were like telling you stuff you could do?

Chris: Yeah, that you could drown yourself in the toilet if you wanted to fill your toilet bowl up or something like that – they’ve been there a bunch of times …

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Chris Watts Mistress Confession TRANSCRIPT – Part Six

Chris Watts Mistress Involved Confession Interview Transcript

Chris Watts Mistress Nichol Kessinger is discussed in Part 6 of the Confession Transcript: FBI Agent asks Chris point blank if she was involved in Shanann Watts murder, if his son Nico was named after her, etc.

(The Chris Watts Mistress Confession Part 6 is continued from Part One , Part Two , Part Three & Part Four & Five of The Chris Watts Interview Transcript ).

Note to other media outlets about use: I have spent days working on the 5 hour Chris Watts confession interview transcript, since the FBI did not make a full transcription available. You are welcome to use it by linking back to this website. 

[ Begin Chris Watts Mistress Portion of Confession Interview Transcript Part 6] 

Grahm (FBI): There are quite a few people who would tell us, and do tell us, “You need to look into Nikki more”. Nikki Kessinger.  All the way from the extreme end of things being “Nikki is the one who ordered the hit”. [*Note: ‘Nikki’ is the nickname of Chris Watts mistress Nichol Kessinger. One of the biggest questions online has been was Chris Watts mistress involved in the murders, either directly or indirectly?].

Tammy (CBI):  “…she was there hiding in the basement!”

Grahm: So the extreme is “she is the one who told Chris to do it. she is the real problem”. All the way –that’s the extreme side– and then all the way to “Well there are these texts where she was infatuated, she was in love, she was saying how good Chris was in the sack”, and “Maybe we should look at her more”. What would you say to those people?

Chris:  She had her moments where I had to talk her, like, off a ledge kinda deal.

Grahm: What does that mean?


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Chris Watts Confession Interview TRANSCRIPT – Part Five

Chris Watts Confession Interview Transcript Mistress Nichol Kessinger Delete Texts Guilty Plea

Chris Watts Confession Interview Transcript Part 5: Chris talks about the reason he plead guilty, harassment from fellow prisoners, hiding evidence, his parents, and his mistress Nikki Kessinger’s strange behavior after his family went “missing”.

(The Chris Watts confession interview transcript is continued from Part One , Part Two , Part Three & Part Four of The Chris Watts Interview Transcript ).

Note to other media outlets about use: I have spent days working on the 5 hour Chris Watts confession interview transcript, since the FBI did not make a full transcription available. You are welcome to use it by linking back to this website.

[ Begin Chris Watts Confession Interview Transcript Part 5] 

Tammy (CBI): They don’t, they don’t hate you. [*In regards to Chris feeling like Shanann’s family, mother Sandy Rzucek, father Frank Rzucek and brother Frankie Rzucek hate him].

Dave (Frederick, CO Detective): In fact while we’re on the subject, I speak with them weekly and I told them we were gonna come here and hopefully you’d speak with us and they told me to tell you, understandably, they’re you know, devastated, but they actually said that they love you. They still love you. Sandy explained it, you know he’s our son..son-in-law..for 8 years. I can’t just turn that off. So they don’t hate you- they don’t.

Chris: That’s amazing to hear that!

Dave: Yeah and I can tell you Sandy was the one that was most resistant to penalties in this case, she told me that from the very beginning. She didn’t want that- it’s God’s decision, it’s not her decision and she told me that even then. So it’s not just a one time thing that she has said it to me, it’s been over the whole course of the event, so that’s probably one of the most honest …

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Chris Watts Interview TRANSCRIPT – Part Four

Chris Watts Interview Transcript : Facebook Videos, Pregnancy Announcement and Shanann Watts Thrive job details

In Part 4 of the full Chris Watts Interview Transcription, Chris talks about the shock of finding out Shanann was pregnant with Nico, feeling ‘forced’ to be in Facebook videos, Shanann Watts THRIVE job, his actions after the murders & separating his family.

(Continued from Part One , Part Two & Part Three of The Chris Watts Interview Confession Transcript ).

Note to other media outlets about use: I have spent days transcribing the 5 hour Chris Watts interview transcript, since the FBI did not make a full confession transcription available. You are welcome to use it by linking back to this website.

[ Begin Chris Watts Interview Transcript Part 4] 

Tammy (CBI): And what were you so angry at Shanann about? Like, if you could pinpoint it?

Chris: Nothing that makes anybody want to do this. You could be angry at your spouse like your whole life but you should never have done anything like this. You should never let it get to that point. I let it get to a point where I’ve never— I mean, I’ve never been angry before- and this was like the epitome of being angry. The epitome of showing a rage. The epitome of of like, losing your mind. Some people in here have said like dude what the heck happened you must have frickin’ snapped and like, I just walk away. It’s just like, you know I don’t see it my mind, when I look outside every day I’m like, “What could we be doing right now?”. You know. Right now I’d have a 5 year old, a 3 year old, and a 1 month old son, and a beautiful wife, and just like right now it’s just me.

Tammy: I watched that video of you finding out that Shanann was pregnant. You don’t seem excited. You seem …

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Chris Watts Confession TRANSCRIPT – Part Two

chris watts confession transcript

In Part Two of the full Chris Watts Confession Transcription, Chris begins to talk about time spent with his mistress, Nichol ‘Nikki’ Kessinger & waking up Shanann Watts to “talk” before the murder.

(Continued from Part One of Chris Watts Confession Transcript)

Note to other media outlets about use: I have spent days transcribing the 5 hours Chris Watts interview, since the FBI did not make the full Chris Watts confession transcript available. You are welcome to use it by linking back to this website.

Grahm: So, there were so many things that happened, weren’t there, that were just little tiny ingredients to this recipe? It’s nuts, Chris. It’s just so many things just didn’t go your way.

Chris: Everything was like, someone was stirring a pot..

Grahm: That’s exactly what it was like. So then, I know I keep bringing it up- can you walk me through just the last few minutes before Shanann died?

Chris: It was pretty much just … I had gotten dressed for work and then, like we started talking…

Grahm: Did she come to you?

Chris: No, I was just right there in bed.

Grahm: Oh, okay

Chris: So I was just like I got my blue shirt on and my jeans and everything…

Grahm: You were ready to go?

Chris: I was ready to go and—

Tammy: Was she asleep? Or did you have to wake her up to finish your conversation, or…

Chris: I wake her up cuz she got home at two o’clock so she was pretty much out of it but I never knew like, if, like, her plane got delayed or someone always told me she just sat around with Nickole and just talked for awhile and then came home or something. I’m not sure if that was–?…

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Chris Watts Confession TRANSCRIPTION

Chris Watts Confession Transcription full transcript from Chris Watts interview with FBI

Chris Watts Confession Transcription: Read the full transcript of the five hour interview with FBI, CBI and Frederick, CO police.

For over 24 hours I have been working on the Chris Watts confession transcription. It’s taking a VERY long time, especially since Chris can have moments where he talks very fast, mumbles at the same time, and doesn’t finish a thought before jumping to the next. With that, I have done my best! Chris uses excessive amounts of “likes” and “ums”- in some cases I have removed those unnecessary fillers without changing the other words if it made the sentence overly difficult to understand in print. There are also a few times where it is absolutely impossible to understand a word/sentence he said- in that case I added a note or (??). Additionally, occasional notes have been marked and added for clarity. If you are a website or a blog who would like to use this transcription, please link directly to this page- as I said, I’ve devoted an incredible amount of time & put in a lot of effort to transcribe this in hopes it will be helpful! (Pages will continue to be added until the entire transcription is complete).

CHRIS WATTS CONFESSION TRANSCRIPT PART 1: Begins to discuss events after Shanann returned home, suspicion of mistress Nichol “Nikki” Kessinger, and problems in North Carolina (‘NutGate’)

Tammy = Agent Tammy Lee from CBI Denver

Grahm = Special Agent Grahm Coder from FBI

Dave = Detective Dave Baumhover. From Frederick, CO police

Chris = Chris Watts, murdered his wife and children.

[ Begin Chris Watts Confession Transcript Part I] 

Grahm: We never really got to talk about that night- what happened?

Chris: So nothing really happened that night, it was in the morning.

Grahm: Okay.

Chris: It was, you know, me and Shanann- she got home at like two o’clock. And uh, you know, I felt her get into bed …

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Chris Watts Confession: New Interview Transcript Link

Chris Watts recently sat down with investigators from The FBI, CBI and Frederick Colorado police. During the five hour jailhouse interview, he gave more details about the crime and made absolutely horrifying revelations.

Investigators have made a summary of the interview available online: Transcript of Chris Watts Confession Interview and Summary Link to Read Online

Here are links to the audio of the interview:

Chris Watts Confession Audio on YouTube – Part One

Chris Watts Confession Audio Recording on Youtube – Part Two

Currently, I am listening and in the process of transcribing the interview word for word, so those who do not have time to listen to the full five hour audio are interested in reading more than just the summary will be able to see everything in print format. I will put my transcription up as soon as possible.

I’m interested to see what conclusion the investigators come to after this. There are already questions from experts on TV about the validity of his claims, and motivations behind them. Is this the actual true story? I’ll go into further details later, I just wanted to get the link up so readers have a chance to access it as soon as possible. He also has a new photo (above).…

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